Tuesday 24 January 2012

This is the Great Adventure!!

Hello to all who have taken an interest in what is going on in the lives of Jesse and Abby Groenewold!

Much has happened in the past year - last May, Jesse and I graduated from Dordt College; Jesse with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and myself with a degree in Theology, with a missions emphasis.
Not long after, we professed our love and commitment for each other in the Covenant of marriage; becoming husband and wife on June 4, 2011. It's hard to believe it's been 7 1/2 months already! As Jesse often says, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." ~ Groucho Marx
God has been so good to us in our marriage thus far. 

Since our wedding, we've added a variety of odd jobs to our resume's. Beginning with orchard pruning, housesitting, horse feeding, becoming buddies with some great kids who happened to by a bit hyperactive (ADHD), and only recently ending with Jesse working as a Mechanical Engineer in downtown Vancouver, and myself currently unemployed serving as a homekeeper for my wonderful husband.
Amidst all this,  we've lived with both our family's for a total of about 5 months, before acquiring our own home in South Vancouver about 2 1/2 months ago. We were so grateful for the time with both our family's, but were also very anxious for the "leaving and cleaving" part of marriage. So we rejoiced on November 1 in finding out Jesse had a job! In less than two weeks, we packed, found an apartment, moved, unpacked, and Jesse started work. I must mention that moving onto the 3rd floor of an old apartment building that doesn't have an elevator is very taxing. Needless to say, after 4 1/4 hours Jesse and I decided to order pizza instead of cooking.

So far, Jesse has really been enjoying his job as an engineer. He is learning a lot, and has many nerdy moments at home (doing calculus for fun...), and is eager to learn more, and be more greatly challenged in his work. He has been becoming friends with many on his way to and from work; on the streets and in the skytrain.
I've conquered some of my fears of living in the city - things like driving by myself, taking the public transit system by myself, talking with strangers, and seeking to show compassion to the homeless. It's amazing how quickly we can change when we need to. I'm so thankful for God's amazing grace in these learnings and transitions. I don't know that I'll ever be a "city person", but I'm comfortable enough to call it home for the time being and eager to learn more about what it means to be a God follower and professor in this time and place.

Yet another joy of having our own place - I get to make dinner almost every night, and so must I do now, thus ending this post.
God's richest blessings through Jesus Christ to each and every one of you.

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