Monday 6 February 2012

Mini Adventures

New mini adventures in our Great Adventure!!
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of taking part in a must-do Vancouver experience. It is especially a must do if there is a nerdy bone in your body. Because I am married to an engineer, it seems the amount of nerdy bones in my body have been multiplying. Thankfully, this nerdy, must-do adventure was also very fun. I mean, who doesn't like to be around hundreds of little kids, solving puzzles, learning about friction, air, pulleys and levers, and all sorts of other scienc-y things? Can you guess where we ventured to? Drum Roll please......budumbudumbudumbudumbudum................THE TELUS WORLD OF SCIENCE! (read this with Bill Nye the Science Guy's voice in your head, because that's how I pictured it).

From bear pelts, to air canons, to animatronic dinosaurs... they had it all!
As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words..... and because we forgot the camera (oops, oops) and because I don't know which thousand words to type; the above paragraph is all the information I will share about Science World at present.

Many have found that adventures can be both voluntary and involuntary. The above adventure was voluntary. Today we were launched into some not so voluntary mini-adventures.
How many of you have had to get up at 6:20 AM due to a fire alarm going off in your building? That was the joyous experience that Jesse and I had this fine day. (Well, Jesse was actually already up getting ready for work, but I was still curled up in comfy, cozy, fuzzy, warm blankets until this "wonderful" occurence.) By 6:22 we were waiting outside the building with many other pajama-clad individuals, waiting for the fire department to come and rescue us from the cold.
Thankfully, it was a false alarm, because the fire department didn't show until a half hour later, by which time our really old apartment building probably would have been nothing but smoldering ashes in the case of a real fire.
Some good did come out of it all though. For the longest time Jesse and I have been wondering how to best connect with our neighbours, and nothing helps camaraderie more than being forced out of your building at 6:20 in the morning. :) It took me an hour or so to realize how great a blessing it actually was but once I did I was like "AHhhhhh, I see what you did there, God. You are more creative than I." Needless to say, now we know our next door neighbour. :)
Also today, we found out that our car won't start. I guess since the tires decided to hang on for a bit longer, the battery is deciding to go instead. We haven't taken it in yet, so this adventure is not yet concluded.

All in all, today was a somewhat hectic day,  but it was a GOOD day. And now that my husband is home, our tummies are full, and it's evening, I can say it is most certainly a GOOD night as well. God is so good, and his mercies never cease.  Even when fire alarms go off, and cars don't start...

Good Night, All!!